2024 Cell Therapy Market Opportunities
Despite manufacturing and other logistical challenges, the cell therapy pipeline continues to expand.
Extensive proof of concept and competition in hematological cancers has triggered interest in novel applications such as autoimmune disease and solid tumors…
…As well as differentiation to enhance safety and reduce manufacturing costs, through cost-effect delivery alternatives such as nanoparticles.
Hence, much like the 1st generation of cell therapies, it is more important than ever to optimize R&D strategy and be first-to-market.
These insights and market knowledge have been developed based on the analysis and fusion of data collated from a variety of sources by the Hanson Wade Intelligence team, elevating the quality of insights compared to Beacon data alone.
• Beacon Cell Therapy database: Vast repository of highly granular, current and historical data on cell therapy assets; exploration by the Hanson Wade Intelligence of its deepest recesses and use of smart interpretation facilitates in-depth understanding of trends and trajectories at quantitative scale, and over long time periods.
• External sources: Datapoints from additional external sources were used to complement existing Beacon data; clever inference and data fusion was used to increase the relevance and meaning of the outputs, enabling a higher quality of insights.
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